Language Fluency and BC's Aboriginal Post- Secondary Education and Training Policy Framework and Action Plan

Jesse Fairley


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ISBN: 978-1-988804-14-9


This video includes Jessica Fairley’s presentation at the Indigenous Languages Fluency Symposium, February 17-19, 2017, Kelowna & Penticton BC. It was published by ICER Press in 2018.

  • Jesse Fairley is the manager of Languages and Culture on the First Nations Education Steering Committee. As an advocate, Jesse has provided extensive support in many projects related to language reclamation and cultural revitalization within the Okanagan.

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    British Columbia, language fluency, Indigenous, post-secondary education, training policy, action plan

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Community Empowerment through Partnership in Language and Culture Programming (2018)


Innovation, New Media, and Cross Generational Approaches to Community Fluency (2018)