What Should Care Look Like? (2019)
Michelle Hewitt
This is a research introduction video created and produced by Michelle Hewitt. This video goes through the day to day life of Michelle Hewitt. In between shots is the experiences that have been shared by MS Society of Canada. Hewitt will be using Political Action Ethnography to answer the questions about home care and long term care differences in her research with participants being working aged people with progressive chronic illnesses who need care. The intended outcome of this research is a grassroots action plan for other activists.
Michelle Hewitt is a disability activist and graduate student in the Central Okanagan, BC. Viewing life from a wheelchair while having a chronic disease, she is constantly struck by the inequities disabled people face in structures of society. This led her to become active in her home community, and with provincial and federal governments. She attempts to build bridges and seek equity between those with lived experience of disability and those who control governmental structures. She is also a board member of Disability Alliance BC, and a leadership volunteer with the National Government Relations committee of the MS Society of Canada. As a PhD student at UBC Okanagan, Michelle is researching care options for working aged disabled people with progressive chronic illnesses. Typically, this all takes place from her bed, with the company of her two Bernese Mountain dogs.
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