Namôhkâc nika-pôni-âcimon = I will never quit telling stories

Loon River Cree Community

Christine Schreyer (editor)



ISBN: 978-1-988804-29-3


Namôhkâc nika-pôni-âcimon = I will never quit telling stories / âcimowinakâ isi âcimotwâw Mâkwa Sâkahikanihk ohci Kihteyayak = stories as told by the Loon River Cree elders.

According to the Loon River Cree Community website, “Over the years, the Loon River Cree community has seen a steady growth in Government, Social reforms, Health, Education, Economic Development, Culture and Traditions. They believe that they will ‘secure their future by investing in their past’.”

The stories found in the “Namôhkâc nika-pôni-âcimon” (I will never quit telling stories) book serve to invest in the past, by recording the stories of the Elders for future generations.

For more information and to download a free pdf copy of the book, visit:

*Please note that the DVD no longer in circulation or available for purchase.

  • Christine Schreyer is an associate professor of anthropology at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan campus, where she teaches a range of courses in linguistic anthropology. Her research focuses on language revitalization and documentation, in Canada and in Papua New Guinea, as well as the relationship between endangered language communities and created language communities. She has conducted research with the Na’vi speech community (from the movie Avatar) and she is the creator of the Kryptonian language from Man of Steel (2013). Recently, she was co-producer of the documentary film Kala Language Project: Kala Walo Nuã about her community-based work with Kala speakers. She is also an executive producer for the documentary film Conlanging: The Art of Crafting Tongues, which will be completed in 2016.

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