The Root-Word Method: How the Mohawks are Creating Fluent Adult Speakers

Onkwawenna (Brian Maracle)



ISBN: 978-1-988804-11-8


This publishing record includes Onkwawenna’s (Brian Maracle) presentation at the Indigenous Languages Fluency Symposium, February 17-19, 2017, Kelowna & Penticton BC. It was published by ICER Press in 2018.

  • Owennatekha (Brian Maracle, Turtle Clan, Mohawk, Six Nations) is a Mohawk Language Advocate and Teacher. He has been the Program Co-ordinator and an Instructor at Onkwawenna Kentyohkwa, a community-based adult language immersion program, since 1999.

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    Root-Word Method, fluency, Mohawk, Indigenous, adult speakers

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